
Saturday, July 12, 2008

My New Favs!

So I'm totally addicted to two things right now, besides my babies of course. The first is the TV show Army Wives and its on lifetime. Love it!! It caught my eye last season but for some reason never watched it until they previewed all of the first seasons episodes to get ready for season two. I'm hooked. I'm not going to talk it up cause every time I do that it always back fires. I'm just saying its really good. The characters are great, the story line is great, its just great! It definatley makes me appreciate the
country we live in and the people who serve not to mention the families of the people who serve. I know its just a show but its based on the lives of those people. It definately makes you stop and think about the lives of those serving and again their families. I'm just happy to live where I do. Anyways... continuing on....

Second is the book Twilight. Now for anyone who knows me knows I don't read. I mean ever. It takes alot to get me excited about books. Though I read not to long ago one of the books from Nicholas Sparks. It was a great book.

Anyways...Back to Twilight... I'm hooked. I just started reading it last night and I'm more than half way done with it. For me that's pretty good. I know everyone has read it or else it wouldn't be on the bestsellers list. You know its a good book when they compare it to the Harry Potter books, by the way Ive never read those. And I just found out there is a movie coming out in December. You bet Ill be there along with everyone else. There is just something about a good love story mixed in with some great looking vampires(according to book). Nothing like "a little" violence, blood sucking, and romance. I'm totally into that kind of stuff. Anyways I'm so excited about finishing the books and even more excited for the movie.

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