
Monday, November 17, 2008

*Birthday Whishes*

So of course we had a big party for Quins birthday. I know the pic above is fuzzy but shes showing how old she is. Shes a pretty smart little girl. Shes catches on quick to things. Just not walking. Shes so not interested. O-well. In time! We had my family over, and Ty's family, and then some of our friends came over. It was really nice cause we haven't seen Ty's family in so long. With Ty being so busy, we never get a chance to go see them, so we were glad they could make it up. We did soup in a bread bowl for everyone and then of course cake and ice cream. I loved Quins cake. I had my sister in laws friend make it and it turned out so cute. Nixon, of course, being the boy that he is and the two year old that he is, had to test taste one of the flowers on the very front of the cake. Of course I wasn't thrilled, being that I told him several times not to touch the cake, he had to touch and eat the flower. After, all he kept saying was "I pick", over and over. My mother in law, in her domestic ways, did damage control, and fixed it. We went with a Tinker Bell theme. We just kind of carried the idea over form Halloween. Besides we found some cute Tinker Bell stuff. She was so cute and so fun. She did a great job entertaining her guests. She was a little grumpy at first but warmed right up to everyone. We definately had a full house and we enjoyed every minute of it. We really did luck out with our families and friends. Its so nice to have everyones support, especially for fun days and occasions like these. We love our baby girl and we are so lucky to have her in our home.

The best face ever. . .

Just checking out her new stuff

The minute she got on this horse, she started bouncing and making horse noises. Can you say "ADORABLE"?

Our Dolly Doll turns 1!

Here are just some pics from when Quin was born . I cant believe that she is already one. That went by so fast. I remember it like it was yesterday. When I first found out that I was pregnant, I'm not going to lie, I wasn't excited. Truth, I wasn't really thrilled the entire pregnancy. First of all it was not at all planned. I dont know many people who plan there kids 14 months apart. I know I sound terrible but i didn't want to go through the same things that I went through with Nixon. I was so sick with him and I didn't think I could do it again especially with a six month old. Not my idea of fun. Turns out i didn't get sick, i was just so unbelievably uncomfortable, it hurt to be preggers. It was all worth it though. I couldn't imagine not having her.
I'm sure you all don't care about that day but its fun to look back on. I wasn't supposed to be due until the 25th of Nov but my family had planned on going to San Diego for Thanksgiving that year. My dad was there with the girls team so we thought we would make a vacation out of it. My mom had planned it like a year earlier and threatened all of our lives if any of us got pregnant. Turns out I got pregnant (not on purpose) and was due just a few days after Thanksgiving. I told my doctor this and we scheduled me to be induced just four days before we were to leave for San Diego. That's the earliest he was able to do it. I thought I would have gone at least a week before or two at the most. Nope! That didn't happen. I started to thin way early and even contracting earlier than normal, so I thought for sure I would have her early enough. Well, turns out she had to wait until the last minute. I had a doctors appointment just three days before my induction date and I was at a two but when I went in that day, I had progressed to a four. So I'm glad I waited because I didn't want to be in labor all day. Just like with Nixon, it didn't take much getting her here. They broke my water when I was at a five and in fifteen minutes I was at an eight. So as you can see, I'm kind of bread for this kind of thing. I didn't have time to get a full epidural and they didn't think that what they gave me would help but it did, for a minute. She came so fast that the doctor wasn't even there. What made it worse was I got really sick right before she started coming out and the cord was wrapped around her neck so they tried keeping her in until the doctor got there. I got so sick that I kept throwing up. And you know when you throw up, your body contracts and pushes. Well that's what I did with her. I basically threw her up. It was only me, Ty, my mom and the nurse, who was great by the way. The doctor got there just as soon as she was finishing coming out. It scared Ty a little because her head was so blue, but she was fine and all was good. I was only in labor for an hour and a half. I love having babies. I hate being pregnant, but I love having them. Theres no experience like it in the world. To top it all off, I still went to San Diego when she was just four days old. I know what everyone thinks when I tell them that, that I'm crazy. Truth is, i feel so good after my babies, sure I was tired, but we stayed in a nice beach house and relaxed the same there than I would if I was at home. It was by far my most favorite Thanksgiving.

My dolly weighing in at 8 lbs. 5 oz.

Quin and my mom

Nixons first time seeing his "sissy"(thats what he calls her)

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween!

So Halloween this year was pretty fun! If you cant tell what Nixon is, hes Disney's Handy Manny. He looked so cute. We got him the tool set that Handy Manny has and it pretty much hasn't left his side since we got it for him. I wish we would have gotten a full body shot but he wasn't really feeling the camera. Quin was Tinker Bell. My friend Kristina helped me make her costume and I think it turned out so cute. My brothers, of course, thought that she looked like cabbage. Leave it to them to come up with something like that. We took them trick or treating and Nixon wasn't sure at first, but caught on after a few houses, and Quin, in her normal Quin fashion, had the time of her life being pulled around in the wagon. It was all and all a pretty fun night.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Its PARTY time!

This is not really a normal post but I thought it would be a good way to let people know about my modbe parties. Notice i said partIES. That's right, the new modbe stuff is finally here, and so I am going to be throwing some parties. The first one is Friday October 17th at my house (1008 W 1325 N, Cedar City) from 4-7 pm and the second one is Saturday October 18th at my moms (320 W 1675 N, Cedar City) from 1-4pm. We figured since its the deer hunt and the men are going to be gone, we needed something for the women to do. So please come! We are going to have drawings and of course good snacks. Hopefully I'm not writing this to myself and Im hoping people actually check out my blog every once in a while. Anyways, it will be alot of fun!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Go T-Birds!

So if my little brother ever reads this, he will more than likely make fun of me because for any of you who knows Jeff, knows he doesn't like people talking about him, to him or even around him. I just have to say how proud of him I am, how much I really love being around him. I've especially loved watching him play football this year. I also love that he loves my kids and how good he is with them. He will never admit to liking them as much as he does, but that's okay cause we all know the truth. These pictures were taken at his first home football game which happened to be on Nixons birthday. They won and it was pretty exciting. So far the t-birds are off to a better start than they have been in the past. They have won three out of the six games they've played. So far so good in my book!
Nixon the future football star!
Jeff and Grandma Janes
Jeffs #1 fan

4 Weeks Later. . .

FINALLY! So i finally got around to posting pictures from Nixons birthday. They aren't the greatest ones but you get the idea. The one below, of his cake, I made. I know, I cant believe it either. Thanks to my sister in law, we got it done. She pretty much decorated it, I just baked it. So I guess you could say I didn't do much. It turned out just how Id planned. All and all his party was a success. Most of his cousins made it, and his grandma and grandpa Prisbrey were able to come. I was also so glad that my grandma Janes could make it. I haven't seen her in a long time so it was nice to see her. She came also for my little brothers first home football game. That was fun to go watch. Of course because they won and its his last year. Anyways, Nixon made out like a bandit with the gifts he received. He got a ton of trucks and the Shrek trilogy because all of our Shreks had to get thrown away because of excessive use. He had a great time and we are so glad to have him!
Nixons dump truck cake
Nixon and Ike

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

My weekend in NYC!

So i am back from my awesome trip to new york! I am so glad that I had the chance to go visit Reagan and meet her little Piper. Reagan and I had spent most of our time shopping, talking, and eating some good food. It was fun to just hang out with her again. She is still the same wirey, free spirited person she has always been and that is what I love about her. Her husband Jake is equally just as awesome as she is. It was a great break, a badly needed one at that. Though I did miss my babies like crazy, I loved every minute I had to spend there. I will say that is was the most humbling experience meeting their adorable little girl. I cant even put into words how incredible and awesome Jake and Reagan are. Piper couldn't have asked more loving parents. They are the most optimistic, positive people and I admire that so much about them. That's another thing I have always loved about Reagan, is her attitude. I know she has her days but for the most part, her cup is always half full! I'm a little sad that I didn't have my camera because it still broken, but Reag is going to email me some pics so don't worry I will post them as soon as I get them. I just want to thank Reagan and Jake for such a great time and I hope to do it again.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Sorry to disappoint. . .

So I know I said that I was going to put pictures of Nixons Birthday up, well turns out my camera didn't want to work so I had to use my moms and all of the Pics are on hers. So in order for me to post pictures I am going to have to go to her house and do it. I could just take her memory card, but knowing one of my kids, they would for sure find a way to get ahold of it. I'm for sure going to do it cause I made him the cutest dump truck cake and I want all to see it. So keep a look out for his birthday party post.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Happy Birthday Nixon!

So today (Sept 6th) is our little guys big 2nd birthday. So I thought I would put some pictures of his birth and just some random ones up for everyone to see. I'm also going to go back on that day because I just love remembering it. It was the one of the best days of my life. Nixon came into the world pretty easily. I guess I just have the genes for easy, fast deliveries. It was any ordinary day. I had my 38 week check up that day so I was planning on going to Cedar for my appointment, but my mom had me help her in beaver dam first thing in the morning to help with some new patio furniture my Grandma wanted to take down there. So my mom came and got me and we went to beaver dam and unloaded the furniture and then we left for Cedar. I had felt good all day,though I was little uncomfortable, but nothing out of the ordinary. I showed up at the doctors office and my mom came with me, she had never gone with me before, but it was good she did. I met with the doctor, he checked me and I was dilated to a 5. So apparently I had been in labor and didn't even know it. He sent me down to labor and delivery and I got checked in at around six and they broke my water and that's when I felt it all. That's when the labor pains really kicked in. I was kind of nervous because I was progressing so fast after they broke my water and Ty wasn't there yet. I was dilated to an 8 and things stopped for awhile. They had given me the epidural and it only numbed one side so they had to give me more and it finally did its job. Good thing Nixon had turned the wrong way too cause that postponed him from coming . Ty got there and I finally got to a 10. I pushed three times and he was here. I cant even describe the feeling of having a baby. Ill never be able to. Its the coolest thing in the world. I had him at 9:45 p.m. So I was in labor for just under four hours. The first night was weird cause I didn't even get to see him until the next morning cause he wasn't breathing good. I only held him once so the next morning I woke up bright and early for the nurses to either let me go see him or bring him to me. They ended up bringing him to me and I was in heaven I finally got to hang out with him. For that being the only little hiccup, I really am so blessed that he was healthy and good sized. Hes are little guy and we love him so much! I will post his party pics tomorrow.

The first time with his momma(I know, Im a hottie!)
Nixons first day home
Being the computer wizz that Im NOT, I couldnt figure out how to turn this pic, but its my fav!!
The only chubby phase he ever went through

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The Big Apple!

So I'm super excited, here's why. . . In three weeks I am headed to New York for a little much needed vacation. I am going to see my friend Reagan and her husband Jake. I'm mostly excited to meet their little Piper Jane. I haven't seen Reagan for so long and cant wait to hangout with her for three whole days. Lets just say that we have alot to cach up on. I'm not so excited to fly though. Ever since Ive had kids, for some reason it has made me nervous. I'm sure all will be good, I'm just a basket case about stuff like that. I'm not quite sure what we are going to be doing but I'm just psyched about going and seeing a great friend. Last time I was there I was preggers with Nixon, and we didn't do much sight seeing. We just went to baseball games. So I'm excited to experience New York. Hopefully I can do some shopping cause I need a serious makeover. I feel like such a mom and I need to rejuvenate my inner youth (If you know what I mean)!Being pregnant that last two years in a row hasn't done much for my wardrobe. Anyways. . . I'm excited!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Hooray for crawling!

So Quin has finally learned how to crawl, forward that is. Shes been going at it for a while now but has been going backwards. She finally figured out the forward motions of it all and is everywhere. I'm not going to lie, I was getting worried there for a while because Nixon learned right at eight months and was doing stairs by about ten months. So I'm hoping Quin catches up. I'm sure she will. Shes so much happier now that she can keep up with all of the other kids and play with them. She got a little frustrated there for a while cause she wanted to get around so bad and she would just get mad scream, not cry, but scream. I know, we've got a screamer on our hands. Anyways. . . Hooray for crawling!

Friday, August 22, 2008

A Day at the Park!

Today was a pretty good day. It started off kind of weird but turned out okay. Ty and I had plans to go to St George to see our friends that are moving Tuesday to Pennsylvania. Ty was going to go golf with Kenny and I was going to go see Lacey. Right as soon as we were getting ready to leave I got a text from Lacey saying that her little boy was sick and it just wasn't going to be a good day to hang out. So Ty ended up going and I stayed home and did some much needed cleaning and rearranging. Which I do quite often cause I like change. Anyways. . . It all was good cause I got to see my nephew, Ripken, and my sister in law. They were in town for her six week check up. So Tracy, Candice, my mom, all of our kids and I went and had lunch at the park. It was really fun. For some reason Nixon needed his shirt off so all of the other kids needed theirs off and they were pretty cute(above pic). Nixon is not quite sure about the big slides, so he will go to the top, sit down, and act like hes going to go, but just ends up standing up and going to the next slide and repeats the process. We all have our kids trained when it comes to taking pics. They have all learned to say cheese when someone is taking there pics. Its pretty funny and they do it all the time. You can tell in some of these pictures that they are saying it. Its and automatic "cheeeeeeese" when someone pulls out a camera. Anyways. . . Tys parents were able to bring him back from St George, they came and hung out with kids and they brought Tys cousins, Ike and Kennady, so Nixon was in heaven. So all and all, the day turned out pretty good and we had fun.
Nixon, Kason, and Hallie
Baby Rip

Friday, August 15, 2008


I took Quin to her 9 month Dr. appointment on Tuesday and like all the others, it was no surprise to hear the results of her growth. We are proud to announce that she is once again OFF the charts. She currently resides in the 114 percentile in her overall growth. She weighed in at 22.3 lbs and is 28 inches long. I will say that I give most of the credit to my "healthy" ways of eating when I'm pregers. Theres nothing like starting your child off on m&m's and Pepsi's. You know your kids are going to be healthy when your placenta is as big or bigger than the baby. Anyways. . . I think she is a doll and cant wait to see where she will be when she turns 1!

Monday, August 11, 2008

3 Years & 2 Kids later. . .

On Tuesday (Aug 5th) was mine and Tys three year anniversary. We left our kids with his mom in St George and headed to mesquite. We ended up going to a movie, Wanted, which I loved. I love assassin movies, spy movies etc. . . It makes me want to be one. Anyways, after the movie we went to wal-mart to hangout for a minute. We were going to go swim but it was raining so hard when we got out of the movie, that obviously wasn't going to work. The next morning I went and got a massage and Ty went to hit range balls. After that we went back to St George to get our kids and ended up staying the whole day. It was my first anniversary not pregers. Which was nice. It was a short trip but badly needed. I cant believe we've been married three years and have two babies. How time flys! I wouldn't trade it for anything!

Breaking Dawn!

The wait is finally over. I got the book, read the book, and loved the book. Of course I had to hit a midnight release party of the book along with some friends and my sister in law, Nichole. We had a good time. We hit up Applebees before and then went to Mountain West Books. Let me just tell ya that we were the most normal people there. I almost don't feel like a true "twilighter" after being there. There were some freaks. And I mean that in the nicest way. Though it took me a little longer to read this one than it did the other three, i still enjoyed it. There has been quite the controversy over it and alot of things that people didn't expect but that's what makes a good book. Like I read somewhere, it has the ending that everyone wanted. I'm not going to go as far and say that it was my favorite out of the series but it was up there. I'm super stoked for the movie and I'm somewhat glad the series is over. Like most, Ive neglected, well, my life while I read. It was a good read and I am so glad to be a "twilghter"!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Gone Fishin. . .

The day before the 24th, Ty and I along with my little brother Jeff, took the babies fishing. Well actually they didnt fish, just Jeff and Ty did. I just tagged along. We went to my uncles property and to his pond. Lets just say that it was hot and Nixon hadn't napped yet. So it was a bit of a struggle trying to keep him happy and busy. Quin just sat on the blanket and loved it. I did get some of the best pics of her though. Shes got this new thing she does with her face and I cant explain it, you just have to check out the pics of her at the bottom. She makes that face and breathes real hard. Its pretty funny and not to mention adorable. We had a pretty good time, but we didnt stay long cause Nixon was just way to tired and he had had enough. The best part of the day was getting those pics of Quin. I wish Nixon would have been in a better mood though. Hes also got a new thing where everything is his and hes having a hard time sharing, especially with his sister. He didnt really want her sitting in his chair that we brought. I guess its just the age (I hope)!
Quin and her favorite person(besides her mom) Uncle Jeff!
Nixon at a rare happy moment

This is her face she makes.

She loves food!

Isnt she the cutest?

Monday, July 28, 2008

Pioneer Day!

So for the 24th we had a blast. We went to St George to spend time with Tyler's family. We took the babies swimming at Ty's grandmas pool. It was HOT but the pool was the perfect place to be. Quin stayed in the pool the entire time and loved it. Nixon loved it just as much and he was the perfect little ball shagger for when the ball we were playing with ended up outside of the pool. Ty's oldest sister and her kids were there along with some of Ty's cousins. After the pool, the girls went to the movie and we saw Mamma Mia. It was great. I had seen the play in Vegas last year with Ty's sisters and mom and that was awesome to see. So I knew the plot of the movie. I loved it! Then after we had a good ol' fashion BBQ. It was such a good day. Last we lit fireworks and the kids loved those. Quin not so much. She likes the ones that don't make loud loud noises. She doesn't do noise that well. It scares her. It was just one of those days that went right!!
Quin and her daddy. . . . .

Nixon and his best pal Ike (Ty's cousin). . . .

Grandma, Nixon, and Tais. . . . .

Last but not least, high centered Lexi!

Friday, July 18, 2008

All caught up!

So i finally finished the series of Twilight and I'm all caught up. It only took me forever to start reading them and catching up with the times of things and what can I say other than, I like em' alot! It took me about six days to read all three of them and let me tell you, I haven't gotten much sleep the last couple of days. Ive been staying up to all hours of the night reading. I just couldn't put them down and now I'm so anxious for the fourth book. I'm glad Ive got a little break between now and then though. I'm kind of burnt out from all of the reading Ive been doing. My eyes and mind aren't used to this sort of behavior. The hole reading thing. Ive got to come back to reality for while for my husbands and kids sake. Anyways, I'm so psyched to see how it all goes down in the end. I'm a huge Edward fan and I'm rooting for him all the way, though I'm almost certain it will work out. Ill have to admit that the first book has to be my fav! I love the initial meeting, the meadow, the "lion fell in love with the lamb". . . I just loved everything about it.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Good Times. . .Good Friends

A couple of days ago, I think it was monday to be exact, we had the chance to go up to my families cabin up in cedar mountain. It was cold, it was wet, but it was alot of fun. Ty had gone up early with his sister and brother in law and our friend Mont to show them around and I stayed and waited for Andy(Monts wife) to get off of work and Klint and Summer followed Andy and I up as well. So we didn't get up there until late and of course Nixon was already covered in mud. We decided we were all hungry so Mont had pulled off the cover of the grill to turn it on and he opened it up and there were huge rats in it, not mice, rats! There were about four or five of them and they had made a nest in it. It was pretty gross. The guys shot their bows and guns while us women tended to the kids. We went for rides on the prowler and we just hung out for the most part. It was fun cause most of us have kids, so it was fun that they all played. We ate our tinfoil dinners and then we all sat around the fire and had s'mores. You know its so nice to be around people you enjoy and nice that everyone gets along with one another. Theres always something to talk about and stories to tell. Alot of stories! All and all it was a fun night with some good friends. I hope that we always have that!

Summer, Nixon, and Klint in front
Lexie, Tais, and Trace

Mont,Trevor, Ty

Klint, Summer and Trace

Mont and Andy